DVLF Announces 2021 HEROES Honorees

JeVon Hatcher, Delaware Valley Legacy Fund (DVLF) [215.703.7216] Info@DVLF.org
DVLF Announces 2021 HEROES Honorees
Philadelphia, PA, April 15, 2021. The Delaware Valley Legacy Fund (DVLF), an LGBTQ+ community foundation this week announced the honorees for its annual HEROES awards ceremony which acknowledges the work of individuals whose work and leadership advance the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. DVLF honors these HEROES annually in celebration of their character and in encouragement of others to act heroically.
During its 18th-annual HEROES virtual ceremony (May 2, 2021), which will be hosted by PA state Representative Malcom Kenyatta, DVLF will honor six individuals and spotlight four organizations the award recipients for five categories. See the full list of DVLF HEROES below:
· Lifetime Legacy Award: Murray Archibald
· Lifetime Legacy Award: Denise Cohen
· Ally HEROES Award: Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon
· Individual HEROES Award: Elizabeth Balcom
· Youth HEROES Award: Tia Sadler
· National Project HEROES Award: Giselle Fetterman
· Nonprofit Organization HEROES Award: Stonewall Sports Philadelphia
· Nonprofit Organization HEROES Award: Philadelphia AIDS Thrift
· Business HEROES Award: Tavern Group
· Business HEROES Award: Radical Therapy Center
Each honoree was nominated by community members. The DVLF HEROES assembled the slate of honorees with final approval made by the board of directors. DVLF HEROES seeks to identify youth, adults, non-profits, straight-allies & businesses who have bold ideas, act with selfless intention, are admired for their integrity, and are regarded as courageous in advancing the equality of the LGBTQ+ community in the greater Philadelphia area, the Delaware Valley and beyond.
“The virtual HEROES ceremony promotes awareness so the public can see LGBTQ+ individuals are an active and thriving part of the Philadelphia community,” said Fernando Gonzales, DVLF’s board president. “It is an incredible achievement to be selected among Philadelphia’s best from the entries we received this year.”
Find out more about the DVLF HEROES Online: Website: https://www.dvlf.org/copy-of-heroes-2020
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DVLF.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dvlf Instagram: @the_dvlf, #DVLFHEROES21